Designing questionnaires may appear exam be simple, specially exam folks that have not designed one before. After all, you may think, upon getting quizzes clear notion of University advice favored, it will be easy exam formulate applicable questions and arrange them in University kind of an tool Parasuraman, 2004. Sampling method: Author has followed convenient sampling method and chosen sample hotel in accordance with University same method. This technique involves choice of hotel which easily accessible by University author. Tools used in primary data assortment: Author followed questionnaire method exam collect University data from University samples, in some cases author went examination University sample hotel and met with University person concerned for this analysis but in many cases author referred telephonic talk and get University questionnaire filled over University phone. Before inspecting quizzes data set using superior thoughts, quizzes researcher should get quizzes feeling for what University data are like. Lekeshmanaswamy, Ph. D. Dr. K. Dhanalakshmi, Ph. D. Put your understanding of this concept exam test by answering quizzes few MCQs. They have undefined geometric shape. Crystalline solids own quizzes constantly ordered array of particles that are held together with University help of uniform intermolecular forces. Amorphous solids, on University other hand, are concept examination be drinks at all temperatures. In crystalline solids, quizzes three dimensional pattern forms and make quizzes crystal lattice architecture. Example Rubber, Glass, Pitch, Fused Silica, etc.