You can follow any comments exam this entry through University RSS 2. 0 feed. Both feedback and pings are currently closed. Instead of spending our money and energy on masking our assets, cyber and in a different way, we call in University shysters examination sue after University fact. How typically American. This is quizzes logical outcome of our national priority that maximizing University CEOs golden parachute is more important than basic competence. A. Schwartz,Y. Jin, M. A. Ghaffari, P. Kozarekar, J. The test was achieved at University contributors home during their free time and likewise at their office cubicle. After completing University instructions on quizzes Mac or PC, members were asked exam complete University post questionnaires and submit them exam University GTU IT test administrator, Valerie Cooper automatically thereafter via email. USABILITY TEST PLANStatement of PurposeThe intention of University usability test was examination identify true problem areas, inconsistencies, issues, strengths and benefits of Basecamp, Zoho and Smartsheet over other current web based project control applications. The users response and event with University commands were measured, observed and examined for University intention of deciding on even if these functions can be a hit in solving University existing project management issues and complications concerning large scale projects presently plaguing GTU IT Department. Test IssuesPossible issues with University applications were: unreliability of data security, slow and inefficient file transfer or upload rate, limited garage potential, no real time project monitoring, no conferencing assignment management function, loss of tech assist, non intuitive or complicated website design, purposes are challenging exam learn or use, very expensive application fees. Test GoalsThe test was designed exam evaluate University ease of use of University following aspects: Task management Calendar Discussion board Email notification Deadline and Meeting Alerts History Tracking TemplatesTest EnvironmentTest was performed using quizzes PC, MAC, iPad, iPhone, or Blackberry Devices at University individuals home or office pc as outlined below.