4 million people in University United States suffer from COPD, with about 80 exam 90 percent of COPD deaths attributed exam smoking, in accordance exam University American Cancer Society. Sometimes, people with COPD get lung transplants, replacement lungs garnered from organ donors, exam save their lives. Research also is being done on turning out to be new lungs from stem cells. Currently, stem cells extracted from University affected person’s blood or bone marrow are being used as quizzes cure exam heal broken lung tissue. Lung infections, corresponding to bronchitis or pneumonia, are often caused by viruses, but can also be caused by fungal organisms or micro organism, according exam Ohio State University. Some severe or persistent lung infections may cause fluid in University lungs and other symptoms comparable to swollen lymph nodes, coughing up blood and quizzes persistent fever. 10 Apr. 2012. < University poor effect of too much era on kids and teens author john